Saturday, 21 November 2009


"To: Ujai
With Love, Melbourne Girls"

Butterfly number one.

Butterfly number 2.

A last minute order by my cousin and this is the best that I could do. :) She wanted butterflies on it and it to be colorful. This cake took me 7 hours to make. It is a chocolate flavored cake with 3 layers inside. Yummmm.. :) I've never made butterflied before so I had my cousin (mumum) to help me. Yeay. We had fun! Anyway, need to shower now. Tata~


  1. ooooooooo butterflies in marzipan. loving it more!!!! so so so proud of youuuuuu. well done =)))

  2. OMG SO CUTE!!! UWaaa! I wish my birthday was a lot sooner! :(

  3. hahaha.. you and marzipan. :p spankies. you ordered it.

    Piiipp. haha.. thanks. calie eh. tukar lah your birthday in december! lol.

  4. hahah yes, I have decided that my birthday will be, erm.. 24th November.

    Bah sampat ni you buatkan fondant cake :D
